Most eBooks use DRM (Digital Rights Management) to control how many downloads are allowed, and other aspects of book access.
For detailed eBook information, look at the text to the right of the eBook image on the search results page. Click on the ’Provider' link within the eBook details, the DRM details will appear in a pop-up, and show you:
- Access - how you can access the book (web-based or download).
- Format - publishing company info and format.
- Partial Content - will only display if a specific chapter(s) of the digital book is included.
- Print Limit - what percentage of the eBook you can print.
- Copy/Paste Limit - what percentage of the eBook you can copy and paste into other programs.
- Device Sharing Limit - how many devices you can use to download and share the eBook.
- Refundable - if an eBook is eligible for return.
Sometimes, the DRM pop-up will also give you information on accessing/activating your eBook.
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