To add a Norton digital learning tool link, it is necessary for your Sakai system administrator to enable the Norton digital learning tool as an LTI Tool Provider. Please confirm with your Sakai system administrator that this has been done. If LMS integration is not possible or desired, please work with your Norton representative for set-up and delivery of course materials
Product Homepage Sakai Integration
> Open your Sakai course
> From the course menu, select “Site Info” or “Site Editor”
> Select the “External Tools” link in the list of links at the top of the course page, then click the “Tools Available in System” button
> If you do not see a link with an URL in the list of available tools, you must first add the tool
> Select the “Add LTI 1.1 Tool” link in the upper right of the course page
> Give the link a descriptive name (e.g., W. W. Norton) in both the “Tool Title” and “Button Text” field
> The URL will look like:, where productname is replaced with the name of the Norton learning tool and BOOKCODE is replaced with the code for the book you are using
> In the “Launch Key/Launch Secret” section, enter the following:
> “Launch Key”: copy and paste the Consumer Key provided by your Norton representative (which will look like yourschooledu)
> “Launch Secret”: copy and paste the Secret provided by your Norton representative (which will be a random 10 character code)
> In the remaining sections, make sure these options are selected (all other options can be ignored):
> “Allow External Tool to return grades”
> “Always launch in Popup”
> Click “Save”. You will be returned to the “Tools Available in System” page, where you should now see the LTI tool link, along with any other LTI tools available in your course. Select the “Refresh” icon at the top of the course page to return to the “Site Editor” (“Site Info”) home page
Create an LTI link
> From the “Site Info” (“Site Editor”) page, Select the “Edit Tools” button located in the suite of buttons at the top of the page
> Select the box next to “Lesson” (“Lessons Builder”), then scroll down and click “Continue”
> Give the link a descriptive name (e.g., Ebook, Smartwork, InQuizitive, etc), select “Continue”, then select “Finish” on the confirmation page
> The new link (e.g Ebook, Smartwork, InQuizitive, etc.) should now appear in the course menu at the left of the screen. Click the link to open the lesson builder, hover over the “Add Content” menu at the top of the page and select “Add External Tool”
> Select the link you added from the list of available tools under External Tool Selector, then, on the Tool Placement page, click “Save”
> Back in the External Tool Selector page, click the radio button next to your new item (e.g Ebook, Smartwork, InQuizitive, etc.), then select “Use Selected Item”
> When the lessons builder page you created is refreshed, you should see the new link. Click the “Edit” button next to the link you added and change the display setting to “New Window”. Click “Update Item”
> Select the link you added
> You will be prompted to sign in or register. If you have a Norton account, please use the associated email address and password to sign in
> If you do not have a Norton instructor account, please visit the Norton Instructor Resources page, or contact your Norton representative to request one. You will need to have an instructor account before continuing
> The first time you access a Norton digital learning tool from your course, you'll be prompted to create a new student set, or to copy an existing student set
> Once you have created your new student set, you will land on the Norton product home page. You should see a green Connected to LMS badge and the new Student Set ID associated with your course in the drop-down menu on the right.
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