To add a Norton digital learning tool link, it is necessary for your Canvas system administrator to enable the Norton digital learning tool as an LTI Tool Provider. Please confirm with your Canvas system administrator that this has been done. If LMS integration is not possible or desired, please work with your Norton representative for set-up and delivery of course materials
> Product Homepage Canvas Integration
> Open you Canvas course
> NOTE: If you use “Modules” in your course, you will still need to first create the assignments, then add those to your modules, rather than creating an “External Tool” item directly in the module itself
> Add an assignment by clicking “Assignments” in the left-hand menu of your course and then click the “+ Assignment” button
> Give it a descriptive name (e.g., Norton Activity). Set the “Points” to some non-zero value. Set “Assignment Group” and “Display Grade As” as desired
> From the “Submission Type” list, choose “External Tool”
> Click on the “External Tool URL” text
> In the “URL” field, enter the URL provided by your Norton representative
> The URL will look like:, where productname is replaced with the name of the Norton learning tool and BOOKCODE is replaced with the code for the book you are using. *DO NOT click “Find”
> Click the “Load This Tool In A New Tab” checkbox
> Click “Save & Publish” so that the assignment will be available to students
> Create a student set
> Open the module containing the link you just created and select the link, which will launch the Norton digital learning tool in a new browser tab
> You will be prompted to sign in or register. If you have a Norton account, please use the associated email address and password to sign in. Otherwise, use the "No, I need to register…" option and register using your school email address
> The first time you access a Norton digital learning tool from your course, you'll be prompted to create a new student set, or to copy an existing student set
> Once you have created your new student set, you will land on the Norton product home page. You should see a green Connected to LMS badge and the new Student Set ID associated with your course in the drop-down menu on the right.
LMS Linking Norton - Canvas-Faculty
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