This is for the in-person type of person. Sell your books back to one your campus store to earn some cash.
In-store Sellback Info
What condition does the book have to be in?
- Pages should not be torn, missing, marked up or highlighted excessively so that the print is obscured.
- Textbooks with water damage, stains, and/or pages sticking together are not considered in "good condition".
- You will be contacted by customer service if any item in your shipment does not meet condition requirements.
How are values decided?
During major buyback periods we may offer as much as 50% of your book's original price. If an instructor has requested your textbook for next term, then the value increases. Books falling into this category may be worth more and get you a higher percentage of the original purchase price. Generally speaking, textbooks will be purchased until we reach the amount we think we can resell.
What if a textbook is no longer being used?
If we have reached our limit on a particular title for next term, or if your book has not been requested for next term and is a current edition, we may still purchase it based on various criteria including the national demand and the needs of other bookstores.
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